Compared with what we ought to be, we are only half awake

William James

A Connected Humanity

Tapestry has been founded in answer to what we see as the world’s greatest challenge - disconnection.

Disconnection with ourselves, with each other and with the planet. Our mental, societal and planetary health are all suffering as a result. The key to unlocking all three levels of connection is first connecting deeply to ourselves. Connection means finding inner clarity and mastering our minds. Once we have this as individuals, we are able to unlock our greatest connections, our richest relationships with one another and the planet. Our vision is to create a more compassionate and harmonious humanity, for the sake of our planet.

Sitting on the shoulders of giants

In our past lives, we were running with the fastest, Rosanna in the world of banking and finance, Maren in the world of marketing and politics. Their paths collided in 2017, meeting at a women's empowerment programme. Since then their paths have continued to collide, together building Tapestry, a mental resilience company with a vision for their greatest impact yet.

Peak Impact

We know what it takes to pursue the peak of excellence. Each of our programmes is designed to equip high impact leaders, teams and families with the mindset and vision to make their greatest mark on the world.

Meet the Founders

Certified with Co-Active, the largest and most respected coaching training institute in the world, Rosanna and Maren bring a tapestry of skills and expertise to their programmes. With foundational training in neuroscience and advances in psychology via Positive Intelligence, and women’s neurobiology via Dr. Sarah McKay, we design experiences that access and create new neural pathways into our greatest selves. Trained in holistic yoga, mindfulness and art-therapy coaching, we lace meditation, visioning, written and artistic expression, to turn down the noise of our rational, negative mind chatter, and unlock our inner intuition and power.

  • ‘Maren approaches everything she does with passion, determination and empathy.” David Cameron, Former Prime Minister

    After graduating in Biological Sciences from Oxford, Maren began her career in advertising, before becoming the Head of Marketing for the Conservative Party, transitioning to the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit at the heart of the British Government in 2010. There Maren advised two Prime Ministers and founded multiple policy innovation teams. Following her passion for coaching and mental resilience, and empowering people to live their greatest positive impact, Maren co-founded Tapestry.

    Marianne Williamson wrote, ‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, it is that we are powerful beyond measure.’

  • ‘Rosanna unlocked the tools and tenacity within me to envision a tomorrow that was bigger and faster than I thought possible.’ Director, IBM

    After graduating in History and International Relations from Exeter, Rosanna began her career in finance, providing Chief of Staff support, first to a private billionaire investor in Singapore, and later to three CEOs at Morgan Stanley. A trusted speech writer for the C-suite, Rosanna also established, embedded and measured an EMEA-wide culture programme. Becoming a mother, and combining her passion for people, potential and impact, Rosanna co-founded Tapestry.

    Albert Camus wrote, ‘In the midst of winter, I found there was within me, an invincible summer.’

A Tapestry Of Values


Imagining a kinder humanity


Embracing the gift of space


Championship in service of dreams


Seeking wonder & inspiration

‘Tapestry gave me the space and permission to ask the biggest and most profound questions I am ever likely to ask myself.’